ursulav on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ursulav/art/Bighorn-Pears-8616233ursulav

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Bighorn Pears



The high mountain crags are home to that majestic creature, the Bighorn pear. The nimble pears somehow traverse the steep rocks without slipping and falling to their doom, and few fructovores can reach them in their chosen home. In the fruiting season, male pears often engage in vicious stem-butting contests, and the crack of horns (and squish of fruit) resounds through the mountains. Here, a male pear keeps watch over a female pear and a pearlet (the stem will fall off as the young pear matures.)

This is you people's fault for encouraging me after the mammoth garlic! Didn't photograph quite as well as I'd like, but still pretty close--Acrylic, 12 x 24, on this awesome smooth clayboard stuff that made the rock textures really snazzy. Still working on prints, original for sale at time of this writing.
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449x900px 167.71 KB
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