ursulav on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ursulav/art/Mammoth-Garlic-8586832ursulav

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Mammoth Garlic


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While closely related to elephant garlic, mammoth garlic is shaggier and has much more dramatic tusks, making its home in the far north. A typical herd is led by a garlic matriarch and contains a number of adult females and their young cloves. While female garlic remains with the herd, juvenile males will eventually leave to join the loose bachelor herds of garlic bulls.

Look, I visited my parents last weekend, and somebody gave me brandy. I cannot be held responsible for what happens after that. And as long as nobody asks about the sketches of bighorn pears, or god forbid, the lemonlopes, we'll all be okay.

This is acrylic, 12 x 24, on this snazzy cradled gessoboard that I really, really like, but which is quite expensive, but then doesn't need to be framed, so not all that expensive in the long run. But I'm cheap. Anyway. The original is for sale, still noodling around figuring out how to do good prints in this format, though.
Image size
900x445px 129.47 KB
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